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At Home Practice - Go To Props

As you probably know by now I am about to launch my online classes (counting down the days until Dec 15th). During the pandemic more people are practicing at home than ever. In my household means that my time to move is generally short and compact, since naps run around 30 minutes and I have an energetic toddler crawling all over me. My go-to online classes are all between 15-30 minutes long. If I can even fit 10 minutes in some days it’s a complete win. My physio likes to call this “exercise snacking” and I love to snack. To assist your home practice I suggest investing in some props. Compared to other fitness gear these props are relatively inexpensive and around this time of year there can be some great sales.

When it comes to fascial work highly recommend Yoga Tune-Up balls. They are the only fascia tools I use. I joke that I am a blue ball dealer because I am always trying to give people balls to use and empower themselves to live pain free in their body. To order a pair click here. The Threapy PLUS are my favorite size for just about everything. You will not regret this purchase. If you really want to go crazy get the Coregeous ball too. I consider these tools essential to my well being and are used A LOT in my online classes.

If you're in need of new yoga props check out Halfmoon. They make the highest quality yoga props I've found and I’ve tested a lot of yoga props. My go-to’s are their 4 inch blocks, rectangle bolster and crescent meditation cushion. I can basically do any and all practices with those three props. Straps and blankets are nice to have, but are easily replaceable by household items if needed.

I often get asked about yoga mats. Right now I am loving Lululemon’s “The Mat” and have gotten tons of use from my Alo Yoga “Warrior Mat.” They both are thick but slightly grippy mats.

Please reach out if you have any questions because I’d love to help get you set up so you are ready to practice at home with comfort and ease.


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